Kanicen Nix

Hey guys! You can call me Kanicen and I’m a nature lover. I spend most of my time outdoor with fishing. I have to admit that I am not an expert but I will do my best to share with you interesting stuffs I know. I love ultralight game which means I live to challenge myself with UNREALISTIC LOGIC for satisfaction.

Ikan Merah, Mangrove Red Snapper, Siakap Putih, Barramundi, Ikan Raja, Peacock Bass, Siakap Merah, Mangrove Jack, Jelawat, Leptobarbus Hoevenii, Koi, Nishikigoi, Haruan, Channa Striata, PB, Peacock, Sebarau, Hampala Barb, Bujuk, Forest Snakehead on Geli-Geli Worms, Brudu Softbait, Silau Spoon, Ultralight Rod

Ikan Raja / Peacock Bass Abdul BukhoriSiakapPutih / Barramundi azim_azri93SiakapMerah / Mangrove Jack Bobby Yohannes CharlesIkan Merah / Mangrove Red Snapper Danial AmirJelawat / Leptobarbus
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