Fishing Tips: What Kind of Fish Can You Target With Our Worms? Ikan Lalang, Oxygaster Anomalura, Siakap Merah, Mangrove Jack, Gerepoh, Giant Trevally, Ikan Selat, Knife Fish, Ikan Raja, Peacock Bass, Toman, Giant Snakehead, Siakap Putih, Barramundi, Ikan Bulan, Indo Pacific Tarpon, Sebarau, Hampala Barb Caught on Geli Geli Worms, Brudu, Silau Spoon

Over the years we always have followers raised some questions on what kind of fish eats our worms and where does these soft baits suit best.

Worms always best for drop shot and casting but you can always use in other applications like jigging making it as flashes by rig it to your hooks, using it with your rubber jigs, spinners, or even on your bottom fishing both on freshwater and salt water. There’s no limit. The only thing that can limit your fishing is your imagination.

So, what kind of fish eats our worms?

Almost any fish to be honest. Its just whether you can find way(s) to catch those target fish or not. We have tons of testimonies and catches that they managed to land fish that usually are known as bottom feeders. We would suggest adjusting your techniques or methods based on your target fish and keep learning all kind new methods out there and try apply it.

Do drop by in our Facebook group at the link below for more testimonies by followers who shared their catches.

We always do our best to share photos of catches by our followers who uses our products.

We believe in Fish. Share. Learn. Smile.

All these various species is caught using our products like Geli-Geli or Brudu worms and Silau spoon & some using our other products like our ultralight fishing rod, line, & apparels.

Siakap Merah / Mangrove Jack Abang Ruzaini, Gerepoh / Giant Trevally candyswee, Selat / Knife Fish Amin Zaherul, Lalang / Oxygaster Anomalura Anas Mohd, Ikan Raja / Peacock Bass Apok Junior, Toman, / Giant Snakehead Badrul Amin, Siakap Putih / Barramundi Bobby Yohannes Charles, Ikan Bulan / Indo Pacific Tarpon Danial Amir, PB / Peacock danialjasni, Sebarau / Hampala Barb dzuoll

Gambar diatas diberi oleh supporter KN menggunakan produk KN seperti Geli-Geli, Brudu, Silau, Apparels, Rod Ultralight dan sebagainya.

Seringkali dapat soalan ini oleh peminat-peminat produk Kanicen Nix.

Soalan: Geli-Geli boleh pakai kat mana yer dan ikan apa yang makan?

Jawapan: Boleh pakai mancing kat air tawar dan juga mancing di laut. Ada yang menggunakan semasa casting, sangkut kat rubber jig, sangkut kat spinner, sangkut kat jigs semasa jigging, sangkut semasa mancing bottom dan macam-macam lagi aplikasi lain yang boleh dicuba.

Ikan yang boleh disasarkan tidak kira apa spesis pemangsa pon insyaallah menjadi. Apa yang penting ialah sesuaikan dengan kaedah dan ikan yang disasarkan. Lain ikan lain diet dan lain cara untuk memikatnya.

Boleh masuk group Facebook Kanicen Nix untuk tengok ikan apa yang biasa dinaikkan oleh peminat-peminat produk KN

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Giant Trevally on Mambang Hitam, Indonesia