Hampala, Sebarau, Haruan, Snakehead, Gerepoh, Giant Trevally, Talapia, Tilapia, GT, Baby GT, Siakap Putih, Siakap, Barramundi, Sikang, Burmese Trout, Bujuk, Channa Lucius, Bulan, Tarpon on Geli Geli, Brudu Softbait & Silau Spoon

We always do our best to share photos of catches by our followers who uses our products.

We believe in Fish. Share. Learn. Smile.

All these various species is caught using our products like Geli-Geli or Brudu worms and Silau spoon & some using our other products like rod, line, & apparels.

Sebarau / Hampala Barb Johannis Jaafar
Haruan / Snakehead Kenzou KenzouTwo
Gerepoh Giant Trevally Mohamad Firdaus
Talapia / Tilapia King Tua Caster
GT / Baby GT Mohd Zainal
Siakap Putih / Silver Barramundi Mzulkifli Nawi
Siakap / Barramundi Mohd Shahaizad Salihudin
Sikang / Burmese Trout Nik Nor Halwa
Bujuk / Channa Lucius Noor Muhamad
Bulan / Tarpon Naim Danny

Casting anglers tend to cast because they feel it keep them active but if you are hunting with no luck, you can always try many other bottom fishing approaches especially with soft plastic. It is all about your creativity & how you rig it to make the bait lookalike a real bait & move them to give them some action.

Soalan: Selain teknik cast & karau, cast, karau & jerk apa lagi boleh dibuat dengan umpan Geli Geli dan Brudu?

Jawapan: Anda boleh gunakan dimata kail biasa seperti cacing. Untuk Geli-Geli & Brudu pakai saiz mata kail sekitar 8-12. Disini anda boleh gunakan pelampung & biarkan hanyut sambil membuat sedikit jerk (ketukan) supaya ada aksi pada umpan. Teknik ini juga boleh digunakan jika anda mancing di tepi-tepi batuan laut. Sangat efektif & dapat elak sangkut jika anda pandai dalam mengagak kedalaman yang sesuai. Cuba jangan tak cuba.

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Giant Trevally on Mambang Hitam, Indonesia