Melencong Travel Rod by Kanicen Nix – First Impression

Impresi pertama Rod Travel Kanicen Nix Melencong versi spinning ini dibuat dengan ikhlas oleh pembeli rod Mohd Huzairy Mohd Rezuan:

  1. Panjang rod 5 kaki 10 inci. Lepas dah dileraikan jadi 48cm sahaja. Sesuai nak bawa pi trip meranduk dalam hutan sebab tangan dah tak perlu nak pegang rod masa nak trekking pi dan balik, letak ja dalam beg.
  2. Guna ring guide dari SeaGuide. Ada 8 kesemuanya termasuk tip. Nampak premium sebab warna macam guide titanium.
  3. Blank dengan wrapping multi axis(2 bahagian bawah sahaja) untuk ketahanan dan nampak menarik dari segi corak.
  4. Ada hook keeper!
  5. Pembeli batch pertama dapat sarung rod premium. Ada extra protection orang putih kata.
  6. Reel seat yang sangat selesa untuk dipegang. Untuk penggunaan jangkamasa panjang kena tunggu next review.
  7. Lepas dah masukkan reel, rod akan jadi balanced, spot on punya balance, perfect.

Tak sabar nak test main dekat jeram nanti hehe 😛

Sekiranya berminat, boleh pm page Kanicen Nix untuk pembelian. Stok terhad.

Terima kasih!


First impression rod travel Kanicen Nix Melencong spinning version is made by one of our buyer Mohd Huzairy Mohd Rezuan.

  1. Total rod length is 5 feet 10 inches and breakdown length is around 48cm. The rod is perfect for trekking or wading since you can carry around your arm or keep in the bag.
  2. Total 8 pcs of SeaGuides is used. The guides looks premium because the color is like a titanium guide.
  3. Blank come with 4-axis wrapping for durability and the pattern looks attractive.
  4. Come with a hook keeper.
  5. Premium and thick rod cover/bag for extra protection.
  6. Premium and comfortable reel seat.
  7. Rod is well balance with reel on it. Its just perfect.

Stay tune for the next review.

If interested, can pm the Kanicen Nix page for purchase. Limited stock.

Thank you!

Note: This review of Melencong Travel Rod is made based on first impression of the rod buyer.

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