Silau Spoon The Best Stream Fishing Lures

Stream fishing can be really fun if you use the right baits. As for us here in Malaysia Hampala or also known as our local Jungle Perch is one of the most hunted fish. It can be found in most rivers in every state in Malaysia.

Due to the popularity we designed one special spoon called Silau mainly for Hampala and all other stream fish. Silau spoon is the best stream fishing lures for stream fishing enthusiast. It has been designed mainly for streams. The scale patterns on its body and the shape are crafted based on common bait fish.

But make sure you carry around our hottest worms Geli-Geli since it works tremendously well in any place.

All these Hampala photos are caught by one of our Pro Staff Rosli Lyee Caster. You can view his YouTube channel at:

Thanks for the love brother 🙂

Rosli Lyee Caster nama Facebooknya dengan gelaran Paklee antara Pro Staff KN yang tidak pernah kecil hati jika ditegur dan seorang yang tidak pernah berputus asa untuk memperpromosikan brand Kanicen Nix tanpa sebarang agenda. Padanya dia ingin menolong produk tempatan yang original dan mementingkan kualiti pada produk.

Paklee cukup gemar dengan ikan Sebarau. Ikan ini boleh membuatkannya jantung bergegar kerana kelajuannya yang amat menakutkan setelah memakan umpan. Umpan kegemarannya apabila memancing ikan Sebarau ialah spoon Silau dan Geli-Geli.

Majoriti gambar yang diberi menggunakan produk Kanicen Nix dari Spoon Silau, Geli-Geli, pelbagai rod UL Kanicen Nix dengan pelbagai saiz dan pelbagai gaya.

Boleh tengok videonya kat YouTube:

Terima kasih 🙂

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