Customers Catches

Udang Galah, Giant Freshwater Prawn, Sebarau, Hampala Barb, Baung, Cat Fish, Seluang, Rasbora, Haruan, Snakehead, Bujuk, Forest Snakehead, Tengas, Copper Mahseer on Kanicen Nix Products

We always do our best to share photos of catches by our followers who uses our products.

We believe in Fish. Share. Learn. Smile.

All these various species (Sebarau, Hampala Barb, Baung, Cat Fish, Seluang, Rasbora, Haruan, Snakehead, Bujuk, Forest Snakehead, Tengas, Copper Mahseer) is caught using our products like Geli-Geli or Brudu worms and Silau spoon & some using our other products like our ultralight fishing rod, line, & apparels.

We got tons of supporters using our products wish to share their happiness with us and we are trying our best to share it with you guys. Here’s another set of photos by Amin Zaherul with his catches using our products.

Amin Zaherul antara supporter kental brand KN. Dalam diam hampir semua rod Kanicen Nix disambarnya. Akibat panas sgt kene bako setiap hari wlpon statement “Sesekali bkn saluu” kepedihan itu dirasainya hahaha 😛

Semua gambo ni hasil penggunaan produk KN dari umpan Geli-Geli, Brudu, Silau, Rod Toyol, Rod Kaki Bako dan sebagainya.

Thanks for the love 🙂

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